Many CMU students now find themselves in a difficult time and are having to make hard choices between paying their rent, putting food on the table, and continuing their education. Make an immediate impact for students in need. Give now...
Check out the Winter 2023 issue of The Maverick Read more...
Your gift to scholarships is the helping hand guiding students to success. Read more...
The new Mobile Learning Lab delivers education to people in rural areas. Read more...
Rock Tope's endowment creates scholarships for Mesa County students. Learn more...
Barbara Borst has given to the university for more than two decades. Learn more...
Explore the latest from Colorado Mesa University in the online 2023 winter edition of CMU's magazine, The Maverick. In this edition's cover story, you will learn that faculty are the lifeblood of the university and how they are each dedicated to teaching and providing invaluable experiences for students and the community. You'll also read about an alumna who landed a deal on ABCls the "Shark Tank", the Sturm-ANB Bank Mobile Learning Labs inaugural tour of western Colorado and CMU’s Mountain Bike Team capturing the national title.
Check out the current issue
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